No, not the 1952 coronation, this one, in 2023.
In real life, I never choose music for public prayer based on political considerations: a congregation will have people from all sorts of persuasions, eg tomorrow I will be worshiping alongside a Polish women who loves the English royal family.
But this is a list of what I'd love to choose. Of course it starts with the readings, influenced by events in the world.
Readings / Main ideas
Acts 6: 1-7 - The apostles asked the community to set up the first parish council!
Psalm: 32 - May your love be upon us O Lord as we place all our hope in you
I Peter 2: 4-9 - the cornerstone - you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a consecrated nation - out of darkness into - light.
John 14: 1-12 - "I am going now to prepare a place for you" - whoever believes in me will perform the same works as I do myself
My summary for the day:
Jesus the Way, the Truth and the Life - the call to a life of service.
Mass setting
Is there a Mass of Christ the King? Yes here:
I don't know any of it, so might have to settle for the Schutte Mass of Christ the Saviour. People know, and it's almost as on-point.
Because we have no king but Thee! And it has a verses about service, even it didn't fit into most hymn-books, and "Feed us, lead us, keep us thine" - surely the Way, Truth and Life.
Do Not be Afraid for I have Redeemed You - because following The Way comes with lots of challenges and failures
In Christ Alone - indeed he is the Way, Truth and Life, and no mention of kings.
Hail Queen of Heaven - because it's May, and because we only have one Queen too.